Say we have a system identical to our double pendulum, but now instead of our masses being connected to rigid rods, they are connected to springs with spring constants $k_1$ and $k_2$, respectively. How does this system evolve in time, given some set of initial conditions?
It is officially the point in our journey of looking at more and more complicated pendulum systems where the derivations of the equations of motion are not worth my time to type up -- one should really not even derive these by hand unless one has ample time and paper to spend. It is not so challenging in the typical sense of the word, it is mostly an exercise in watching the number of terms you are working with multiply via the chain rule, and hoping you don't mislabel any of your variables along the way. If you would like to download my Mathematica file to see how I go about setting up the Lagrangian, and setting up the Euler-Lagrangian equations, you may download it here:
Mathematica notebook
We are left with four coupled second order differential equations, and we do the usual trick in order to end up with 8 coupled first order differential equations. How fun. We let
\dot{\theta}_1 = \omega_1 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \dot{r}_1 = v_1 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \dot{\theta}_2 = \omega_2 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \dot{r}_2 = v_2
such that
\dot{\omega}_1 = \frac{k_2(l_2-r_2)\sin(\theta_1-\theta_2)-m_1g\sin\theta_1- 2m_1v_1\omega_1}{m_1r_1}
\dot{v}_1 = \frac{k_1(l_1-r_1) - k_2(l_2-r_2)\cos(\theta_1-\theta_2) + m_1g\cos\theta_1+m_1r_1\omega_1^2}{m_1}
\dot{\omega}_2 = \frac{-2m_1v_2\omega_2 - k_1(l_1-r_1)\sin(\theta_1-\theta_2)}{m_1r_2}
\dot{v}_2 = \frac{k_2(m_1+m_2)(l_2-r_2) + m_1m_2r_2\omega_2^2 - m_2k_1(l_1-r_1)\cos(\theta_1-\theta_2)}{m_1m_2}
# solve the elastic double pendulum using fourth order Runge-Kutta method
# Import packages needed
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import timeit
from numpy import sqrt, sin, cos, arange, pi, append, array, floor
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, axhline, savefig, subplots_adjust,\
figure, xlim, rcParams, rc, rc_context, subplot, tight_layout, axvline, xlim, ylim, scatter
# get starting time
start = timeit.default_timer()
# define a function to calculate our slopes at a given position
# eta = (theta1, omega1, r1, v1, theta2, omega2, r2, v2)
def f(eta):
theta1 = eta[0]
omega1 = eta[1]
r1 = eta[2]
v1 = eta[3]
theta2 = eta[4]
omega2 = eta[5]
r2 = eta[6]
v2 = eta[7]
f_theta1 = omega1
f_r1 = v1
f_theta2 = omega2
f_r2 = v2
f_omega1 = (k2*(l2-r2)*sin(theta1-theta2) - 2*m1*v1*omega1\
- m1*g*sin(theta1)) / (m1*r1)
f_v1 = (m1*g*cos(theta1) + k1*(l1-r1) - k2*(l2-r2)*cos(theta1-theta2)\
+ m1*r1*omega1**2) / m1
f_omega2 = (-k1*(l1-r1)*sin(theta1-theta2) - 2*m1*v2*omega2) / (m1*r2)
f_v2 = (k2*(m1+m2)*(l2-r2) + m1*m2*r2*omega2**2 -m2*k1*(l1-r1)*cos(theta1-theta2))/(m1*m2)
return(array([f_theta1,f_omega1, f_r1, f_v1, \
f_theta2,f_omega2, f_r2, f_v2],float))
# define a function that takes initial angles and spring compressions in as
# parameters and outputs array of angles and velocities of both masses
def doublePendulumGuy(theta1_initial_deg, theta2_initial_deg, r1_initial, r2_initial):
omega1_initial_deg = 0.0 # initial angular speed
omega2_initial_deg = 0.0 # initial angular speed
theta1_initial = theta1_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial angle into degrees
omega1_initial = omega1_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial anglular speed into degrees
theta2_initial = theta2_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial angle into degrees
omega2_initial = omega2_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial anglular speed into degrees
v1_initial = 0.0 # initial value of r1dot
v2_initial = 0.0 # intiial value of r2dot
# set up a domain (time interval of interest)
a = 0.0 # interval start
b = 80.0 # interval end
dt = 0.003 # timestep
t_points = arange(a,b,dt) # array of times
# initial conditions eta = (theta1, omega1, r1, v1, theta2, omega2, r2, v2)
eta = array([theta1_initial, omega1_initial, r1_initial, v1_initial, \
theta2_initial, omega2_initial, r2_initial, v2_initial],float)
# create empty sets to update with values of interest, then invoke Runge-Kutta
theta1_points = []
omega1_points = []
r1_points = []
v1_points = []
theta2_points = []
omega2_points = []
r2_points = []
v2_points = []
energy_points = []
for t in t_points:
E_1 = 0.5*m1*(eta[3]**2 + eta[2]**2 * eta[1]**2) + 0.5*k1*(l1-eta[2])**2 \
- m1*g*eta[2]*cos(eta[0])
E_2 = 0.5*m2*(eta[3]**2 + eta[7]**2) + m2*(-sin(eta[0]-eta[4])*eta[2]*eta[7]*eta[1] \
+ eta[2]**2 * eta[1]**2 + cos(eta[0]-eta[4])*eta[2]*eta[6]*eta[1]*eta[5] \
+ 0.5*eta[6]**2 * eta[5]**2 + eta[3]*(cos(eta[0]-eta[4])*eta[7] \
+ sin(eta[0]-eta[4])*eta[6]*eta[5])) + 0.5*k2*(l2-eta[6])**2 \
- m2*g*(cos(eta[0])*eta[2] + cos(eta[4])*eta[6])
E_net = E_1 + E_2
kutta1 = dt*f(eta)
kutta2 = dt*f(eta + 0.5*kutta1)
kutta3 = dt*f(eta + 0.5*kutta2)
kutta4 = dt*f(eta + kutta3)
eta += (kutta1 + 2*kutta2 + 2*kutta3 + kutta4)/6
return(theta1_points, omega1_points, r1_points, v1_points, \
theta2_points, omega2_points, r2_points, v2_points, t_points, energy_points)
# set up the parameters of our situation
m1 = 5.00 # mass of bob 1
m2 = 3.50 # mass of bob 2
l1 = 0.85 # equilibrium length of spring 1
l2 = 1.20 # equilibrium length of spring 2
k1 = 80.0 # spring constant for spring 1
k2 = 90.0 # spring constant for spring 2
g = 9.81 # acceleration due to gravity
# call the function and store the arrays of data
theta1_points, omega1_points, r1_points, v1_points, theta2_points, omega2_points,\
r2_points, v2_points, t_points, energy_points = doublePendulumGuy(170,105, l1*1.65, l2*1.95)
# create lists of x and y values for bob1 and 2
x1_points = []
y1_points = []
x2_points = []
y2_points = []
for i in range(len(t_points)):
x1_new = r1_points[i]*sin(theta1_points[i])
y1_new = -r1_points[i]*cos(theta1_points[i])
x2_new = r1_points[i]*sin(theta1_points[i]) + r2_points[i]*sin(theta2_points[i])
y2_new = -r1_points[i]*cos(theta1_points[i]) - r2_points[i]*cos(theta2_points[i])
# animate our results
# start with styling options
rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
rc('axes', linewidth=2)
with rc_context({'axes.edgecolor':'white', 'xtick.color':'white', \
'ytick.color':'white', 'figure.facecolor':'darkslategrey',\
# subplot for the graph of energy vs time
fig_E = figure(figsize=(10,7))
ax_energy = subplot(1,1,1)
title("Energy vs. Time")
xlabel("Time (s)")
ylabel("Energy (J)")
# print runtime of our code
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print('Time: ', stop - start)
# set up a figure for pendulum
fig = figure(figsize=(10,10))
# subplot for animation of pendulum
ax_pend = subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal')
# get rid of axis ticks
ax_pend.tick_params(axis='both', colors="darkslategrey")
### finally we animate ###
# create a list to input images in for each time step
ims = []
index = 0
# only show the first 80seconds or so in the gif
while index <= len(t_points)-1:
ln1, = ax_pend.plot([0,r1_points[index]*sin(theta1_points[index])],\
bob1, = ax_pend.plot(r1_points[index]*sin(theta1_points[index]),\
ln2, = ax_pend.plot([r1_points[index]*sin(theta1_points[index]),\
-r2_points[index]*cos(theta2_points[index])], color='k',lw=3,zorder=99)
bob2, = ax_pend.plot(r1_points[index]*sin(theta1_points[index])+\
if index > 200:
trail1, = ax_pend.plot(x1_points[index-140:index],y1_points[index-140:index], \
trail2, = ax_pend.plot(x2_points[index-190:index],y2_points[index-190:index], \
trail1, = ax_pend.plot(x1_points[:index],y1_points[:index], \
trail2, = ax_pend.plot(x2_points[:index],y2_points[:index], \
# add pictures to ims list
ims.append([ln1, bob1, ln2, bob2, trail1, trail2])
# only show every 6 frames
index += 6
# save animations
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=100)
writervideo = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=60)'../elasticDoublePendulum/170_105_elasticDoublePend.mp4', writer=writervideo)
Very cute. Let's look at our energy vs. time curve.
It seems our elastic double pendulum violates conservation of energy. Obviously this is due to error in our calculations, and is not at all physical. Let's see if we can decrease these flucuations by decreaseing our timestep. Let us also try solving it with the Euler-Cromer method with the same timesteps, and see how our results differ, as well as our runtimes. First I will show the code I used for the Euler-Cromer method.
# solve the elastic pendulum using fourth order Runge-Kutta method
# Import packages needed
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import timeit
from numpy import sqrt, sin, cos, arange, pi, append, array, floor
from pylab import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, axhline, savefig, subplots_adjust,\
figure, xlim, rcParams, rc, rc_context, subplot, tight_layout, axvline, xlim, ylim, scatter
# start get starting time
start = timeit.default_timer()
# define a function that takes initial angles and spring compressions in as
# parameters and outputs array of angles and velocities of both masses
def doublePendulumGuy(theta1_initial_deg, theta2_initial_deg, r1_initial, r2_initial):
omega1_initial_deg = 0.0 # initial angular speed
omega2_initial_deg = 0.0 # initial angular speed
theta1_c = theta1_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial angle into degrees
omega1_c = omega1_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial anglular speed into degrees
theta2_c = theta2_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial angle into degrees
omega2_c = omega2_initial_deg*pi/180 # convert initial anglular speed into degrees
r1_c = r1_initial # initial length of spring 1
r2_c = r2_initial # initial length of spring 2
v1_c = 0.0 # initial value of r1dot
v2_c = 0.0 # intiial value of r2dot
# set up a domain (time interval of interest)
a = 0.0 # interval start
b = 60.0 # interval end
dt = 0.002 # timestep
t_points = arange(a,b,dt) # array of times
# create empty sets to update with values of interest, then invoke Euler-Cromer
energy_points = []
for t in t_points:
# find the net energy this step
E_1 = 0.5*m1*(v1_c**2 + r1_c**2 * omega1_c**2) + 0.5*k1*(l1-r1_c)**2 \
- m1*g*r1_c*cos(theta1_c)
E_2 = 0.5*m2*(v1_c**2 + v2_c**2) + m2*(-sin(theta1_c-theta2_c)*r1_c*v2_c*omega1_c \
+ r1_c**2 * omega1_c**2 + cos(theta1_c-theta2_c)*r1_c*r2_c*omega1_c*omega2_c \
+ 0.5*r2_c**2 * omega2_c**2 + v1_c*(cos(theta1_c-theta2_c)*v2_c \
+ sin(theta1_c-theta2_c)*r2_c*omega2_c)) + 0.5*k2*(l2-r2_c)**2 \
- m2*g*(cos(theta1_c)*r1_c + cos(theta2_c)*r2_c)
E_net = E_1 + E_2
# define slopes of velocities at this step
f_omega1 = (-4*sin(theta1_c-theta2_c) + k2*(l2-r2_c)*sin(theta1_c-theta2_c) - 2*m1*v1_c*omega1_c\
- m1*g*sin(theta1_c)) / (m1*r1_c)
f_v1 = (4*cos(theta1_c-theta2_c) + m1*g*cos(theta1_c) + k1*(l1-r1_c) \
- k2*(l2-r2_c)*cos(theta1_c-theta2_c) + m1*r1_c*omega1_c**2) / m1
f_omega2 = (-k1*(l1-r1_c)*sin(theta1_c-theta2_c) - 2*m1*v2_c*omega2_c) / (m1*r2_c)
f_v2 = (k2*(l2-r2_c) - k1*(l1-r1_c)*cos(theta1_c-theta2_c) - 4) / m1 \
+ (k2*(l2-r2_c) + m2*r2_c*omega2_c**2) / m2
# caculate next velocities (i+1) using current values
omega1_n = omega1_c + dt*f_omega1
v1_n = v1_c + dt*f_v1
omega2_n = omega2_c + dt*f_omega2
v2_n = v2_c + dt*f_v2
# now we define the slopes of our positions using the values of
# velocities in the next step
f_theta1 = omega1_n
f_r1 = v1_n
f_theta2 = omega2_n
f_r2 = v2_n
# find our new positions (i+1) using the velocities at (i+1)
theta1_n = theta1_c + dt*f_theta1
r1_n = r1_c + dt*f_r1
theta2_n = theta2_c + dt*f_theta2
r2_n = r2_c + dt*f_r2
# update current conditions
theta1_c = theta1_n
omega1_c = omega1_n
r1_c = r1_n
v1_c = v1_n
theta2_c = theta2_n
omega2_c = omega2_n
r2_c = r2_n
v2_c = v2_n
return(t_points, energy_points)
# set up the parameters of our situation
m1 = 5.00 # mass of bob 1
m2 = 3.50 # mass of bob 2
l1 = 0.85 # equilibrium length of spring 1
l2 = 1.20 # equilibrium length of spring 2
k1 = 80.0 # spring constant for spring 1
k2 = 90.0 # spring constant for spring 2
g = 9.81 # acceleration due to gravity
# call the function and store the arrays of data
t_points, energy_points = doublePendulumGuy(175,185, l1*1.45, l2*0.6)
# Create our energy vs. time graoh
# start with styling options
rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
rc('axes', linewidth=2)
with rc_context({'axes.edgecolor':'white', 'xtick.color':'white', \
'ytick.color':'white', 'figure.facecolor':'darkslategrey',\
# subplot for the graph of energy vs time
fig_E = figure(figsize=(10,7))
ax_energy = subplot(1,1,1)
title("Energy vs. Time")
xlabel("Time (s)")
ylabel("Energy (J)")
# print time it took our code to run
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print('Time: ', stop - start)
So, we see that increasing our step size with the Runge-Kutta method makes virtually no difference in output, but it does increase the run time by quite a bit. No matter what we do, we get large flucuations in energy throughout our calculations.
It takes a very small time step to not get an overflow error with the Euler-Cromer method. However, we can see that as soon as our time step is small enough to not produce an overflow error, our range of energies is smaller than what we got with the Runge-Kutta method. We also see that there is a steady increase in the minumum energy calculated with the Euler-Cromer method, which is decreased by decreasing the time step even further.
The take away from this, is that if you are just interested in making animations, Runge-Kutta is your friend here. You get consistent results with larger steps and shorter runtimes than with the Euler-Cromer method.
See my page comparing the 4th order Runge-Kutta method to the the Euler-Cromer method on a few different pendulum systems, linked below.